Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010

my maw

Jaime Lee Curtis Taete
I saw Taete's work in a Vice or Vice-like Ad magazine at Monika's. The pictures are often gross-out/irony style but others are queer and clever.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

you want a cheesy burger??, well, thats cool..

one night stand with a loop pedal!! loopin away like i've been doin it since age ten.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


the droid commercials scare me. they're all over the radio, t.v., internet, aaaand last night i saw a I-94 billboard. not into it
but, i pass fear on

freedom of movement

gilded guns, treasure, christ

These are by Maverick McArthur, who is quickly becoming my favorite photographer.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

i want an armchair i can put my hot sauce next to.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

smelling a coconut donut

About to read the Handmaid's Tale for the first time. Here are the only things I know about it now:
-The cover has the easily recognized red-robed figure in front of a curved stone wall
-science fiction
-one of the characters (main character?) is a middle-aged struggling artist

actually I'm not sure of any of this.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

removed tha jl song

Friday, April 2, 2010

fifty thousand gallons of water

it was fun for a minute but now it adds to my anxiety
summer in april and there's no time given to renewal
just an exhausted heat evaporating the street oils and ash
creating a new kind of doomed, wafting city stench. the smell reminds me of parts of nagoya, but more abused. pale weeds are the only thing green right now, and their rugged systems still do not take away the strength of the oils.
few things have been able to change from winter's hold- a cat that has been lost since last october hasn't been seen except in the missing signs, which hang up still.

eighty degrees sets a stage for this deception, unbrilliant heat against grey murk and dormant branches reveals the weaker parts in a statement/ unique consequences forming
bees are roused only to find hay, bulbs, and one-day old sprouts
no hints of nectar yet
easter bunnies quake of heat stroke in their felted nests
still in repose, it's too early to wake and find small gardens for babies
it sounds way bad, and i'm probably feeling this way because of a nervy hangover but i'm wondering for spring and fifty thousand gallons of water.

a taco in heaven